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Journal 1

Mamma Mia mp3 songs

During my first project, Jmac gave me a 2 hour clip of all the Mamma Mia songs clumped together, I had to clip each sing and save them separately into different mp3 files on a USB. While the file was uploading onto audacity, I should've took note on how long this giant file was taking so the future problem wouldn't have happened, whiloe the file was uploading i made a file on the USB to put all the seprate songs into.The first problem I ran into was connecting my airpods to my audacity's app. I've always connected my airpods to my computer but for some reason I couldn't get for them to connect to audacity. I tried googling it buy nothing came up, until I looked at the "output audio", after that it was 2 clicks and they were connected. After that problem was fixed, i highlighted the first song and clicked "export into an mp3", while the file was uploading it was taking a while for a 30 second audio to convert. I didn't notice my mistake until Jmac pointed it out how I only got 2 songs finished within 15 minutes. All I had to do was to click " exported selected audio" and after that I finished 5 songs in 5 minutes.

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1 Comment

Apr 09, 2023

This is a good first entry, Ally. Make sure you proofread for typos. :) I'm glad you figured some things out during the first little project you worked on. By now, you should have 2 more journal entries. Remember to keep working on these as you move along while things are fresh in your mind about what you did, problems, encountered, and solutions. You have done enough other projects to have at least 2 more journal entries. You can still complete these and I will adjust your mark accordingly. Keep up the good practical work but, remember to get those journal entries done. ~Jmac

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